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Start of first ten nights of Ramadan

April 12, 2023

Tonight starts the first of the ten nights and tomorrow, the first of the last ten days of Ramadan and we look forward to taking advantage of their blessings.
It was narrated that Aisha (rad), the blessed wife of the Prophet Muhummad (S) said, “With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (ﷺ) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and used to pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers.”  (Sahih al-Bukhari 2024)
Alhumdulillah, many of our students are fasting this year and we encourage them to continue.  As the last ten nights are upon us, we understand that many of our students and families will be visiting masaajid and doing qiyam through the nights.  We would like to request you to help your child(ren) to get through these last few days of school before break and still be successful handling their current responsibilities as students.  Please remember they are engaging in one of the highest of worships — gaining knowledge of Allah (swt) by studying His creation, laws, patterns and engaging in His remembrance while in school.  Please help them by:
  • Waking them up and ensuring they eat a healthy suhoor that will help their focus in the morning and keep them going till they break their fast
  • Have them keep a water bottle when going for Qiyam and Taraweah to ensure they are hydrating themselves in the hours they can.
  • Have them take a nap after school so they are properly able to engage in worship at night and also attend school the next day.
  • Remind them to make dua and ask Allah (swt) to help them with their fast and their responsibilities as students. 
We pray that Allah (swt) accepts all of our ibadah this month and ask that you make dua for MSE/Excellence Academy staff and families on these auspicious nights.  


April 12, 2023
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